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Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

Region: Other

Developer(s): The Mojon Twins

Publishers(s): The Mojon Twins

ReleaseDate: 2019-01-01

Players: 1

Co-op: No

Espitenen und Herr Pimponen

Espitenen loves playing hide and seek. Bad luck, but his buddy is really good at it! Where did she hide? Probably in one of the ten islands… But who knows which. Espitenen will have to explore them all! Herr Pimponen has always been a bit clueless… He has grown a fame of being a globetrotter, but the truth is that what he does is getting lost. Everywhere. He wanders around but he’s lucky and he always ends up finding somebody he knows!

ESRB Rating: Not Rated

Genre(s): Platform | Unofficial

Other Graphic(s)