front cover

Platform: PC

Region: Region Not Set

Developer(s): BrainGoodGames

Publishers(s): BrainGoodGames

ReleaseDate: 2015-12-02

Co-op: No


Militia is a bite-sized turn-based strategy game that brings the thrill of victory to single-player. It's simple to pick up, and from the moment you start, you'll be learning and improving -- building your skills, learning new strategies, and ranking up on the single player ladder. And as you do, the game evolves with you, providing a worthy challenge every time. Militia also features procedurally generated levels so the challenge stays fresh. In Militia, you are the leader of a small troop of warriors, mages and cavalry and attempt to rout the local marauding banditry by dispatching their captains. Gameplay is turn based; on your turn you can issue one command to each of your units, and then the enemies each move on their turn according to strict and transparent movement rules.

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