front cover

Platform: Sega Genesis

Region: PAL

ReleaseDate: 2018-06-26

Players: 1

Co-op: No


Qisha is the protector of the planelago system, a planetary system consisting of five planelagos of nine miniplanets each. Each planelago was guarded by one of Qisha's children, but one day suddenly a mysterious force appeared and cursed them into statues. Qisha must go through all planelagos to retrieve the crystals to save the children and send back the mysterious force back where it belongs. Guide Qisha through 3D miniplanets in this new and unique platformer for Mega Drive. Jump over obstacles and collect keys with the special twist of paths wrapping around to the other end of the miniplanet.

ESRB Rating: Not Rated

Genre(s): Action

Other Graphic(s)