front cover

Platform: Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Region: Region Not Set

Developer(s): Ultimate Play The Game

Publishers(s): U.S. Gold Ltd.

ReleaseDate: 1988-01-01

Players: 1

Co-op: No

Ultimate The collected works

ULTIMATE PLAY THE GAME THE COLLECTED WORKS LOADING INSTRUCTIONS SPECTRUM 48K/128K, +2 CASSETTE Connect the EAR socket on your Spectrum to the EAR socket on your recorder and ensure the MIC lead is disconnected. Ensure cassette is fully rewound and zero your tape counter. Type LOAD"" and press ENTER. Press PLAY on the tape recorder. The required program will then load automatically. Each game is individually loaded so for the second or third game on each side (as applicable) stop the recorder after the preceeding game has loaded and switch off the computer. Turn on again and repeat loading procedure. You may find it worthwhile for those machines with tape counters to make a note of the counter reference on the cassette player. For ease we have included a grid for this purpose. PSSST [] Lunar Jetman [] Cookie [] Sabre Wulf [] Tranz-Am [] Knight Lore [] Atic Atac [] Alien 8 [] Jetpac [] Nightshade [] Gunfright [] NOTE: For Spectrum +2 users - After each game has loaded a series of 3 consecutive sound bleeps indicate the end of the program loaded (1st bleep) and the beginning of the next game to be loaded (3rd bleep). There is a 5 second gap between the end of the program and the first bleep. Also a 5 second gap between the 3rd bleep and the start of the next program. SPECTRUM +3 DISK Turn on the computer, insert disk, and press ENTER. The game will load automatically. Refer to menu for running order. PSSST All he has to do is figure out which spray kills each insect outright, as the wrong spray will only stun them momentarily. If Robbie leaves his plant unattended the insects will swarm all over it, eat the leaves and the plant will wilt, shrivel back and die. Little vermin. Leave my plant alone. Oy! My plant's dying. No! No! Nasty bugs sucking the life from my Thyrgodain Megga Chrisanthodil, make her shrink, wilt and die. I'll soon put a stop to their little game, quick Spray-O-This'll sort 'em out. There! Take that and that! Ha! Ha! Musn't die, mustn't die. It's got to flower, it must do. It said on the packet "takes between two and five minutes to grow", it can't be much longer, won't be long now. Why! you little .... Quickly get the Super Space Slug Spray and then the Leech Laser. Quick, quick. Thet breed so fast, can't hold them back for long. Hurry! Hurry! ..... Arrggg ..... GROWING INSTRUCTIONS Plant the seeds in good soil, growth can be speeded up by collecting all compost bags, keeping young shoots free from all garden pests and by looking after the leaves, which collect sunlight. Remember, the more leaves the plant has, the faster it will grow. As the young shoots give off an exotic aroma, the plant is especially prone to and will in fact attract hoards of Interstellar Space Slugs, Scuttling Leeches and Menacing Midges. Use of correct repellants will prevent all of these attacks. Please note: Only approximately 20% of all plants will blossom and reveal Robbie's Ultimate dream. Growing time approximately 2 to 5 minutes. CONTROLLING YOUR ROBOT Your robot is fully controllable using either the keyboard or a joystick. KEYBOARD CONTROLS LEFT - Robot will move left by using the 'Q' key on the third row. RIGHT - Robot will move right by using the 'W' key on the third row. UP - Robot will move up using the 'E' key on the third row. DOWN - Robot will move down using the 'R' key on the third row. FIRE - Robot will fire the various spray cans using the 'T' key on the third row. LUNAR JETMAN Desperate to regain the lost minerals, the aliens initialise their ancient attack mechanisms. All round, huge missile installations erupt from deep within the bounds of the planet, surrounded by their own strategic defence stations. Their huge linoleum shelled missiles glisten in the distant sunlight as the multitronic warheads Auto-arm and pose for attack. With no hope of help from the nearby and unaware Earth, JETMAN has to destroy all of the installations, single-handed before the imminent destruction of his home planet. Using only his Hyperglide Moon Rover to carry the strange equipment and supply Bridging units, with any other equipment he can find to complete his mission. PITY HE CANT FIND THE OPERATION MANUALS! CONTROLLING YOUR JETMAN Your JETMAN is fully controllable using either the keyboard or joystick and keyboard combined. KEYBOARD CONTROLS LEFT - JETMAN will fly, walk or drive left using the keys X, N. RIGHT - JETMAN will fly, walk or drive right using the keys C, M. FIRE - Any key on the second row may be used to fire Quad Photon Laser Phaser, rapid fire can be obtained by continuous hold of the fire key, e.g. A, S, D, F, etc. THRUST - Any key on the third row van be used to thrust JETMANS Hydrovac JET PAC, e.g. Q, W, E, R, etc. PAUSE - The whole game can be paused by using the O key. PICK UP/DROP JETMAN can pick up or drop a piece of equipment using either the Z or SYMBOL SHIFT keys. ENTER/EXIT JETMAN can enter or exit a piece of equipment, i.e. the Hyperglide Moon Rover using the CAP SHIFT or BREAK keys. HOVER Any key on the numbers row, from 1 to 9 can be used to hover JETMAN whilst in flight without the need for thrust, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. JOYSTICK CONTROLS JETMAN can be controlled using either the Kempston or Cursor controlled joysticks by replacing the Left, Right, Thrust, Hover and Fire commands. SCORE LINE The Score Line displays: One and two player scores One and two player lives Left Highest score obtained Various game options are available including: Joystick and keyboard combined/keyboard select 1 or 2 player options, upon the start of the game. ATIC ATAC THE CASTLE Now that you have been trapped in the evil haunted Castle, your object is to find the hidden Golden Key of A.C.G. and escape via your only exit, the Main Doors. The Castle consists of 5 floors, including the 'Atic' and the caverns, which contain countless rooms. Within the many rooms you may find furniture, food, drink, objects, Ghosts, Ghouls and Monsters. Eat and drink sparingly so that you do not deplete your food supply. Collect and utilise any objects you find to your best advantage, be wary of slamming doors and working trapdoors which will try to trap you and avoid contact with all the Ghouls and Monsters, as each of these will use their best endeavours to hamper your search. YOUR WARRIOR Each of the characters, Knight, Surf and Wizard, are armed with their own specific weapons, individual movement type and use of one set of secret passages, unbeknown to the others. CONTROLLING YOUR WARRIOR KEYBOARD CONTROLS LEFT - Your warrior will move left using the Q key. RIGHT - Your warrior will move right using the W key. DOWN - Your warrior will move down by using the E key. UP - Your warrior will move up by using the R key. FIRE - Your warrior will use his weapon when the T key is pressed. PICK UP/DROP - Your warrior can pick up or drop an object using the Z or SYMBOL SHIFT keys. PAUSE - The whole game can be paused using the CAPS SHIFT or SPACE keys. JOYSTICK CONTROLS Your warrior can be controlled using either the Kempston or Cursor controlled joysticks by replacing the Left, Right, Up, Down and Fire commands. TRANZ-AM Possessed for too long by the 'Deadly Black Turbos', the 8 cups remain hidden throughout the land, their strange inscriptions long since forgotten and their locations reverently protected. Your Chance ... A Super Blown Red Racer equipped with technology far advanced. A last chance with a weapon, whose power far surpasses any Black Turbo. One press and a massive engine thinders into life, the shrill rumble from the exhausts and the hypnotic whirr beckon the Deadly Black Turbos. The noise reaches crescendo and in one sudden lurch the Red Racer spits forward across the land at incredible speed, in the last great battle of your life. Use your skill to outwit and crash the Deadly Black Turbos and the instruments to locate and collect the 8 Great Cups of Ultimate before you run out of fuel. CONTROLLING YOUR RED RACER KEYBOARD CONTROLS TURN ANTICLOCKWISE - using the following keys, Z, C, B, M. TURN CLOCKWISE - using the following keys, X, V, N, SYMBOL SHIFT. BRAKE - using any key on the second row, e.g. A, S, D, F etc. ACCELERATOR - using any key on the third row e.g. Q, W, E, R, etc. PAUSE - the game by using the CAPS SHIFT key. JOYSTICK CONTROLS TRANZ-AM can be controlled using Kempston Competition-Pro Joysticks. JET PAC But! as you don't often get the chance of a free trip across the Galaxy, and space travel is, oh, so expensive, now is your chance to get rich! You might as well just stop off on several planets on your journey, collect the odd sack of precious gems, elements or gold, and take them back with you. SOUNDS SIMPLE DOESN'T IT! But! before you go and make yourself the richest person in the whole Universe, you must remember to refuel your Spaceship, every time you land on a planet, with 6 fuel pods. Any other goodies you collect are yours to keep. Upon landing, you will find yourself equipped with the very latest Hydrovac JET PAC, which can automatically air lift almost any rocket stage, fuel pod or valuables, you care to land upon, and release them over the rocket ship base, plus the megga powerful Quad Photon Laser Phasers, to blast any nasty, mean, little aliens who might object to your visit. And my! do those aliens get upset when you collect all of their valuables, and sneak off, without so much as a by-your-leave. CONTROLLING YOUR JETMAN Your Jet Man is fully controllable using either the keyboard or a joystick. KEYBOARD CONTROLS LEFT - Jet Man will fly or walk left using alternative keys on the bottom row, e.g. Z, C, B, M. RIGHT - Jet Man will fly or walk right using alternative keys on the bottom row, e.g. X, V, N, SYMBOL SHIFT. FIRE - Any key on the second row may be used to fire the Quad Photon Laser Phaser, e.g. A, S, D, F, etc. TRUST - any key on the third row can be used to thrust Jet Man's Hydrovac JET PAC e.g. Q, W, E, R, etc. HOVER - Any key on the numbers row can be used to hover Jet Man whilst in flight without the need for thrust, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. JOYSTICK CONTROLS Jet Man can be controlled using the KEMPSTON Competition- Pro Joysticks. SCORE LINE The Score Line displays: One and two player scores One and two player lives left Highest score obtained Various game options are available including Joystick/Keyboard select and 1 or 2 player options, upon start of game. ALIEN 8 The planet's final end draws near as the last, most vital piece of equipment is loaded aboard, activated, and the hatchways closed. The ULTIMATE evolution ALIEN 8 cybot whirrs into an artificial cybernetic rush of intelligence. All hatchways are sealed, as the starship prepares for its long uniterrupted journey into the inky void of space. THE JOURNEY Aeons pass and still the ALIEN 8 unit is functioning perfectly, gliding swiftly and silently around on multi-sealed-thermotion bearings in waxolight shrouds. The very pinnacle of robotic development from a now long dead planet, on its immense task of keeping the cryogenically immersed cryonaughts activated by preserving and maintaining their life support systems and waiting ..... The long journey is near completion as the central computer alerts you to the nearing of the predestined solar system. The dust of aeons lies heavy on the ageing data banks of the central computing core, tired from centuries of repetitive computing and re-computing, at last activating the final sequential landing operations. The craft begins its final slowing sequence several hundred light years from the destined planet and as, almost immediately the starship slows to sub-hyper-warp speeds, is open to attack. All the starship main defence systems have remained unactivated, as the reverse polarity negative-ion thrusters battle and strain to halt the enormous bulk of the ship. The main computer reports Alien penetration in almost all areas of the ship and all life support systems have become damaged and deactivated. All cryogenic systems must be reactivated before autophase thrusting systems manoeuvre the ship into its semi-cyclic planetary orbit, at 0 light years from the planet. Your programming insists that you complete the mission and restore all cryogenic life support systems to operation. INSTRUCTION MANUAL THE STARSHIP A. The starship is at risk to Alien intrusion at lower than hyper-warp speeds. As lesser beings have not yet developed the mental ability to contemplate travel at this speed, hyper-warp is relatively safe and untroubled. Once the starship's speed falls below hyper-warp speed, upon its approach, at several hundred light years from the planet, it will become vulnerable to attack and Alien intrusion. B. Once the starship has slowed down into sub/hyper-warp speeds, and enters semi-cylic orbit the ship will not have enough fuel to enable a recovery to be made. C. The starship is equipped with indestructable multi-control directional robodroids. ALIEN 8 PROGRAMMING A. All cryonaughts must remain activated. B. Locate and recover all thermolec valves and ALIEN 8 replacement packs. C. Ensure all thermolec valves are in correct socket, to ensure continuing activation. D. Locate and activate all cryogenic chambers. E. All cryonaughts must remain activated prior to the planet being reached, for them to effect the final landing sequence. F. You have been issued with 5 initial replacement packs, other packs may be located throughout the starship. These will prolong your existence upon damage by collisions etc. CONTROLLING YOUR ROBOT KEYBOARD CONTROLS LEFT - Alien 8 will turn left using the Z, C, B and M keys. RIGHT - Alien 8 will turn right using the X, V, N and SYMBOL SHIFT keys. MOVE FORWARD - Alien 8 will move forward using any key on the second row, A, S, D, F etc. JUMP - Alien 8 will jump using any key on the third row e.g. Q, W, E, R, etc. PICK UP/DROP - Alien 8 can pick up or drop any object using the 1 - 0 keys. PAUSE - The whole game can be paused by using the CAPS SHIFT or SPACE/BREAK keys. JOYSTICK CONTROLS Alien 8 can be fully controlled by using the KEMPSTON INTERFACE, CURSOR CONTROLLED INTERFACE or the SINCLAIR INTERFACE II and joystick, be replacing the LEFT, RIGHT, FORWARD, JUMP and PICK UP/DROP commands. SABRE WULF Darker and darker, deeper and deeper. It is the end that I fear, of this untrodden voyage ... to where I do not know ... AARRRGGGG ... THUDDD. THE WARNING THY PATH IS LONG SO TREAD WITH CARE BEWARE THE WULF AND PASS HIS LAIR DANGER THREATENS ALL AROUND SO TAKE YE FROM THIS HIDDEN MOUND TO FREE THEE FROM THIS SUNKEN GATE BY WAY OF CAVE OR MEET THY FATE AN AMULET TO SEEK THY WILL 'TWAS SPLIT BY QUAD AND HIDDEN STILL PASS THE KEEPER WROUGHT WITH HATE TO GAIN AN ENTRANCE TO THE GATE THE PIECES LOST MUST THEE AMAS FOR IF NO CHARM THEN NON SHALL PASS. THE EXPLORATION I edge through the shady mounded clearing and on through the dense thickets of hot house rain forest undergrowth, of sorts I cannot tell, and wait ... and listen ... Distant rumblings of heavy feet crashing, large animals leap from the damp green stubble, to fight and kill. I stay hidden ... The rumblings grow louder and louder, as a huge Goliath animal crashes past, horns swiping and tail lashing, still I hide as its thunderous noise dies away. All was clear as I leapt over the clumps and onto the well trodden pathway, its deep ruts and prints reveal the multitude of life forms inhabiting this hollow. Danger threatens so I should move quickly ... but Where??? THE EXPEDITION Wide eyed, I stare, as the dense surroundings reveal their hidden secrets ... Strange food orchids suddenly bloom, their staining toxins, strong on the air, then, in an instant, are gone. Hunters, killers, vampire bats and huge beasts spring forth from the very ground, swimming, slithering, diving and crawling ... I must hide ... Stay safe ... With weapon strong and cunning nature, I will survive ... CONTROLLING YOUR EXPLORER KEYBOARD CONTROLS LEFT - Your Explorer will move left using the Q key. RIGHT - Your Explorer will move right using the W key. DOWN - Your Explorer will move down using the E key. UP - Your Explorer will move up using the R key. STAB/SWORD FIGHT - Your Explorer will fight using the T key. PAUSE - The whole game can be paused by using the CAPS SHIFT or SPACE/BREAK key. JOYSTICK CONTROLS Your Explorer can be fully controlled by using the KEMPSTON INTERFACE, CURSOR CONTROLLED INTERFACE or the SINCLAIR INTERFACE II and joystick by replacing the LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN and STAB/SWORD FIGHT commands. PICK UP - Your Explorer will automatically collect any useful objects required by passing over them. NIGHTSHADE THE LOST VALLEY Somewhere between the purple mountains, and the seas of the Seven Islands, lies a hidden valley, a land that time has not touched. All remained peacful and tranquil until darkness descended upon the land, light and freedom were banished from its homely hills and the evil seed set. Death and hunger spread, and all who remained within the walls of the village became stricken or hag ridden with haunted evil. All who had deserted the village sought refuge elsewhere. The village was now in complete control by darkness. THE PLAGUES The remaining people, weak and afflicted were unable to leave and soon became enveloped by the victorious evil force, transmutted by some terrible disease into the most hideously foul creatures. They wander their once peaceful village, producing deadly plagues, and fall fouls, to enslave anyone who dares trespass into the village, to try to defeat the evil overlord. THE STORY TELLER Many years had passed since the village became over-run, and soon the knowledge of the village slipped into legend. Songs were sung and tales were told of brave adventurers who ventured into the valley to find and destroy the evil force and never to return, of the riches that could be gained from the successful adventure, and the evil which lay in wait for anyone who dared to set foot in the evil enchanted NIGHTSHADE village. The old story teller's eyes widen into fiery gems as he recalls and re-lives the tale of battle with the force of evil at work in the NIGHTSHADE village. "Tales of ghosts and mad monks enslaved by evil forces to do their bidding and of plagues and foul demons let loose on the village. Even death itself was imprisoned within the village of NIGHTSHADE as an un-invited guest of the evil one." The old man continues: "Skeletons with rotting flesh dripping with the blood of the long dead, waiting, prowling the now empty village for live prey." "Hideous demons" he croaks, "and terrible ailments and spells waiting to absorb any who dares anger the evil force. Lift the darkness and the Kingdom of NIGHTSHADE shall be yours forever." The old man slumps back exhausted into the tall carved wooden chair. You extract as much information as you possibly can from him, but he can tell you little more than where to find the village. You set off down the valley and enter the forbidden NIGHTSHADE village. This story is continued by playing the most Advanced Home Computer Action Adventure simulation. FARE THEE WELL. CONTROLLING YOUR ADVENTURER LEFT - Your Adventurer will turn left using the X, V or N keys. RIGHT - Your Adventurer will turn right using the C, B or M keys. MOVE FORWARD - Your Adventurer will move forward using the A, S, D, F or G keys etc. PAUSE - The whole game can be continuously paused using the CAPS SHIFT or BREAK SPACE keys. FIRE - Your Adventurer will fire his antibodies using the Q, W, E, R or T keys. JOYSTICK CONTROLS Your Adventurer can be fully controlled by using the KEMPSTON INTERFACE, CURSOR CONTROL INTERFACE or the SINCLAIR INTERFACE II or any JOYSTICK by replacing the LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN and FIRE controls. GUNFRIGHT THE GOVERN0R OF BLACK ROCK How'de Pardners NOW Y'ALL LISTEN UP. Seems we got ourselves a new Sheriff in town, reckons he gonna clear the town of the meanest and fastest Gun Totin' Bunch of Rootin' Tootin' Gun Slingers which ever did hit the Wild West, goes by the name of Sheriff Quickdraw. Yes Siree. Meanwhile in the Sheriff's Office ... ...... TELEGRAM ...... WHOLE LODA BADDIES A WHOOPIN' AND A WAILIN' HEADING STRAIGHT FER TOWN LOCK UP YER HOUSES BAR UP YER SHOPS AND WAIT FOR THE SHERIFF TO CLEAR OUT THE MOBS .... END. Sheriff Quickdraw springs into action and within the blink of an eye, is away on his trusty steed Panto. "Wha, eye jus' git on ma Horsey, rustle up thim thar Bunch of no good trouble Roosters and raad thim straight out a' Town, No Messin'. Acomin' in here, a wailin', a hollerin', a yellin', a robbin' an a shootin' aller these here fine friendly Town Kinsfolk. Ah gotta git sime er that nee-or-mality restored to this here lil'ole Town. An' ah bes' get ready beefer thim Gunslingers arrive, an ain't nobody gonna stand in ma way, Nooo Sir. Ahh just gonna git ma somma that amm-une-nee-shon an a'hm ready for thim baddies, as soon as they's hit town, Wha eye might even make ma self rich with alla thim big fat rewards on offer." Dang Nabbit, go git thim villans, Sheriff Quickdraw. GUNFRIGHT LAW BOOK 1. Your Super-Slung Six Shot Slinger will re-load as soon as the chamber is empty. 2. Prices of Bullets may vary during your Term of Office at Black Rock. You will have to pay the going rate at the time of re-loading. 3. During Gun fighting, should any of the townsfolk be inadvertantly shot by either Yourself or the Baddies, then the Sheriff will have to pay the consequences. 4. Salary must be collected to provide funds to buy further ammunition. 5. Bandits may be shot on sight, but Hardened Wanted Criminals and Gunfighters will want to fight the fast draw way. 6. The Townsfolk will point the way to the nearest Baddie. 7. Sheriff's Horse Panto must be used to make chase, for any Fast Moving Horse Mounted Bandits. 8. Rewards can be collected for any Baddies successfully apprehended, during Gunfighting. 9. Special Bonuses are available for complete Gangs successfully brought to Justice. 10. When in fast Draw Combat, beware of Hardened and Fast Draw Criminals, the likes of Quick Draw McGraw, fastest Gun in the West. 11. Read your Telegram wires and stay in touch with the rest of the Town. GUNFRIGHT KEYBOARD CONTROLS GUNFRIGHT MODE LEFT - Sheriff Quickdraw will Rotate Left using the X, V or N keys. RIGHT - Sheriff Quickdraw will Rotate Right using the C, B or M keys. WALK - Sheriff Quickdraw will Walk Forward using the A, S, D and F keys. DRAW/FIRE - Sheriff Quickdraw will Draw/Fire using the 1 - 0 keys. PAUSE - The whole game can be continuously paused using the CAPS SHIFT or BREAK SPACE keys. CHANGE VIEW - You can change the angle of view using the Z and SYMBOL SHIFT keys. FAST DRAW MODE LEFT - Sheriff Quickdraw will Move Left using the X, V or N keys. RIGHT - Sheriff Quickdraw will Move Right using the C, B or M keys. UP - Sheriff Quickdraw will Move Up using the Q, W, E, R, T row etc. DOWN - Sheriff Quickdraw will Move Down using the A, S, F, D, G row etc. FIRE - Sheriff Quickdraw will Fire using the 0-9 keys. PAUSE - The whole game can be continuously paused using the CAPS SHIFT or BREAK SPACE keys. JOYSTICK CONTROLS Your adventurer can be fully controlled by using the KEMPSTON INTERFACE, CURSOR CONTROL INTERFACE or the SINCLAIR INTERFACE II any JOYSTICK by replacing the LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN and FIRE controls. KNIGHT LORE THE WEREWULF My journey's end is near, as the last few ebbs of daylight dance fleetingly in the cooling twilight, and then suddenly dart off to chase the red sinking sun. Behind me I feel night's dark icy fingers slither up long looming shadows, hiding behind large mounds and boulders, watching my every mood ... silently waiting .... For days I have journeyed from the realms of the old jungle wulf to 'KNIGHT LORE' castle to seek the old dying Wizard and ask for his help to free me from this deathly curse ... For countless nights I have slept chained to trees to keep my deathly curse at bay, but now I am here .... My footsteps echo around the damp mossy walls of the large chamber, as I enter through the open main gateway, colossal doors judder open in an untouched groaning symphony, beckoning me forward on my quest. I sense the old Wizard's gaze playing upon me, encapsulated within the labyrinth of traps and tests, to keep out all but the most persistent of unwanted quests who seek an audience with the great wizard MELKHIOR. Suddenly a cool blue mist starts to ebb forth from the cracks in the ancient stone-work. As it does so it begins to take form and become a powerful swimming swirling vortex of energy, Over all the noise can be heard the chanting and singing of long forgotten tunes all sung in a blur of forgetfulness. THE MIST TUNES The Wizards older now than all His help you seek within this wall For forty days your quest may last Locate the potion make it fast This hideous spell upon your soul To lose its hold must be your goal Beware, the traps from here begin The cauldron tells what must go in To break the curse and make the spell To save yourself and make you well The mist suddenly ceases its action and dissipates as quickly as it came. I drop to the floor and with full knowledge of the old Wizard I begin my quest. Dimly lit tortches light the massive stone walls, their tired flickering flames never seeming to penetrate the inky darkness for more than a few feet ... Crystalline Merkyls, hideous Hobgoblins, stand frozen on huge monoliths, glittering in the cool trembling moonlight. Encapsulated by the old wizard long ago, they await their fate in an un-ending task of defence, silent and stoney. This is to be their everlasting fate as guardians of KNIGHT LORE castle, until the ultimate death of the old sorcerer .... The moon has risen quickly and in the fulless of its cool blue light, I become a Werewulf ... My fate is now all too clear, I have but forty days and forty nights to find the old Wizard and seek his help and magical instruction, before my tourmented soul becomes forever a Werewulf. CONTROLLING YOUR ADVENTURER KEYBOARD CONTROLS LEFT - Your Adventurer will turn left using the Z, C, B and M keys. RIGHT - Your Adventurer will turn right using the X, V, N and SYMBOL SHIFT keys. MOVE FORWARD - Your Adventurer will move forward using any key on the second row e.g. A, S, D, F, etc. JUMP - Your Adventurer will jump using any key on the third row Q,W,E,R, etc. PICK UP/DROP - Your Adventurer can pick up or drop an object using the 1 - 0 keys. PAUSE - The whole game can be paused by using the CAPS SHIFT or SPACE/BREAK keys. JOYSTICK CONTROLS Your Adventurer can be fully controlled by using the KEMPSTON INTERFACE, CURSOR CONTROLLED INTERFACE or the SINCLAIR INTERFACE II and joystick, by replacing the LEFT, RIGHT, FORWARD, JUMP and PICK UP/DROP commands. COOKIE Charlie the Chef, keeps all the ingredients locked away in the pantry, only letting them out when he wants to cook them! Now this makes them jolly uspset, let me tell you., So! As soon as they can, the ingredients dash out of the pantry dragging all the sorts of nasties found in the bottom of drawers and cupboards, with them, to escape and run wild. Poor old Charlie! he has to daze the ingredients with his flour bombs and knock them into the mixing bowl, because if they go into the dustbins they will be eaten by the bin monster, who doesn't care one little bit where he throws any of his rubbish. Should any rubbish or nasties get into the cake mix then the "ingredients needed" counter will change, and Charlie will have to work quicker and faster if he's going to bake his cake. CONTROLLING CHARLIE CHEF KEYBOARD CONTROLS LEFT Charlie will move left by using the Q key. RIGHT Charlie will move right by using the W key. DOWN Charlie will move down by using the E key. UP Charlie will move up by using the R key. FIRE Charlie will throw flour bags when the T key is pressed. PAUSE the game by using the CAP SHIFT key. JOYSTICK CONTROLS COOKIE can be controlled using either Kempston or Protek/ cursor controlled joysticks by selecting the correct mode. This compilation (c) 1988 ULTIMATE PLAY THE GAME. All rights reserved worldwide. All software, graphics and audio visual by ULTIMATE PLAY THE GAME. Trade name of Ashby Computers and Graphics Limited. Copyright subsists on this program. Unauthorised copying, lending or resale by any means strictly prohimited.

ESRB Rating: Not Rated

Genre(s): Action

Other Graphic(s)

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